100 Years of Keys
Commissioned Art by John Childress
100 years ago, Le Bonheur Club was started as a sewing circle whose aim was to provide clothing and goods to children in need in the Midsouth. As they saw greater needs in our community, these ladies began fundraising to build and open a children’s hospital. After raising today’s equivalent of $22 million dollars, the ladies of Le Bonheur Club opened the doors to Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. To signify that no family would ever be turned away based on inability to pay, these women released red balloons with the keys to the hospital attached. As this key floated away, the doors to our award-winning, top-10 nationally recognized children’s hospital were opened and have remained open to all children of Memphis and the surrounding area.
This peace celebrates their continued mission to provide Health Care to all Children.
Truck Part Heart
Commissioned Art by John Childress
A special thank you to TAG Truck Center Memphis for the ongoing, dedicated support that you give to FedExFamilyHouse. Truck Part Heart Celebrates the imagination and creativity or children, as they play and build thing larger than their selves. A community of love and hope, helping children heal trough play as they build a Heart out of truck parts.
Sign & Displays
Custom Built Metal Arch for Le Bonheur Garden ribbon cutting and grand opening event.
Call or text today (901) 490-7904 to start the creative process.
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